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Lessen The Impact

Live events are not sustainable however as event professionals we can make a difference. Help make Hong Kong a more sustainable place by making your events more 'green'.

The Principles for Sustainable Events address all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals..

Event organizers and suppliers share responsibility for implementing and communicating sustainable practices to their stakeholders.

Sustainability for events means taking action towards preserving our natural environment; promoting a healthy, inclusive society; and supporting a thriving economy.

Basic environmental practices include:

  • Conservation of resources, including water, energy and natural resources
  • Waste management
  • Carbon emissions reduction and management
  • Supply chain management and responsible purchasing
  • Biodiversity preservation

Basic social considerations include:

  • Universal human rights
  • Community impacts
  • Labour practices
  • Respect for culture
  • Safety and security
  • Health and well-being
  • Collaboration and partnerships

Sustainable events support thriving economic practices through:

  • Collaboration and partnerships
  • Local support, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs) Stakeholder participation
  • Equitable economic impact
  • Transparency
  • Responsible governance